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when we open our minds we find the world around us. Teaming with treasures, mountains, valleys, rivers, and the people who live there and no place on earth abounds with more treasures than Sonoma County for the next hour. We will visit some of the people in places
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that make our home a very special spot of all the earth. So stay tuned as we present the treasures of Sonoma County. With your welcome back to the treasures of Sonoma County. Today we're going to visit with another of Sonoma County's human treasures Brooke Hauser. We're
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bringing this program to you from the two dog art gallery on the santa rosa JC campus. This is kind of a triple treasure program Brooke is a treasure. He is synonymous with another treasure that santa rosa Junior College and he also just happens to be the
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son of a third treasure. The late senator. Clarence Red hauser Brooke. It's nice to have you here. First time we've had a triple treasure privileged to be with you. Done such a job for this place. You'll find out. Ladies and gentlemen. How important Brooke hauser has
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been to Central Junior College and to the community as a whole Brooke. I think the first thing people would like to know is just how did you become associated with santa rosa Junior College? Well it began in In 1955 I had previously taught uh in San
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Leandro. I had a teaching assignment there for three years in social studies namely American history and American government position in history became available here. And uh President Bailey gave me a telephone call in the East Bay and offered me a position. It was that simple. There
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were no interviews. I was the selectee by virtue of the fact that I had taught at on the campus here in 1952. As a replacement for Cook cipher who was called into the korean war. As a matter of fact though, going back to 55 as you
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say, you're still working with the within four J. C. Tell us about your year 2000 project in in the late 19 eighties, the board of trustees commissioned me to write a history of santa rosa Junior College to include the years of the presidency of Randolph Newman
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And Roy Michaelson. That would be 1957 - 1990. Roy Michaelson retired in 1990. And President bob A Grella was appointed as his replacement. And baba Grella has now been the president for 10 years. The santa rosa Junior College Foundation. This time asked me to update the
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santa rosa Junior College history, which presently is in progress. Well, you were telling me earlier that our first history from 1920, I think somewhere near you have to tell me the exact years till his retirement was Floyd Bailey was the work of a lot of different
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people putting Floyd's years together. But that sort of stands as the history of those years, doesn't it? The initial history of Santa Rosa Junior College was included the the Floyd Bailey years, Which was 1918, virtually the beginning of the, of the campus until his retirement in
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1957. That particular history uh involved some significant contributions from gala baron. Right. Incidentally gay and john were guests were treasures on our program a couple of years ago and they didn't mention that. Can I tell him about that book you told us earlier that you're a
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native Sonoma county. But where did you go to high school? And what else did you do before you came here in 1955. You did mention teaching three years down there. But let's go back to after high school. What Graduation from Central High School in 1944. The
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day after graduation was on a train to Farragut Idaho Navy boot camp and served in the Navy for two years. Uh Finally um serving in the chinese theater aboard a naval destroyer Return to to Santa Rosa entered Stanford University in 1946, graduated in 1950. And for
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two years there beyond took uh graduate work for A teaching credential which I received in 1952 and then off to San Leandro. Well, um I know you got your teaching credential. They're one of the things I found somewhat unusual at least at the time. Your credential
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was to teach from the seventh to the 14th years, which meant through Junior college. Right? That's right. And so that was that set you all up for your future here because you already had your called, It was called in those days, it was called a general
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secondary credential. Alright. First year you taught here then was 1955. And what did you teach? American history and European history? Okay, so that means that we're talking 45 years right now, that you've been associated with the junior college as of right now. That's right, Okay. I
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have a whole bunch of other things here. I want to ask you if I can turn my page. You'd be surprised. I think one of the things that people in the audience would like to know is how about describing the jobs of reform for the college
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since 1955, including those since you supposedly retired in 1986. Go back and start, well, the initial association was, was that of a history instructor and I do pride myself on having taught periodically, Even while administering here and even in retirement, the last class that I taught
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was in the spring of 1993. So the initial association continued for a considerable period of time that of teaching. When Randolph Newman was appointed President of the College in 1957. As President Bailey's replacement, he asked if I would assist him in the development of occupational education
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And I received a half time administrative assignment which I occupied until 1961 when it became full time. My original assignment here as an administrator was to add two year occupational programs. The very first one was law enforcement, followed by dental assisting, followed by civil engineering, technology,
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electronics, and forestry. So all those things started into your, all of those things started under my initial responsibility as an as an administrator Brooke. What were the most important, Most momentous events occurring at Santa Rosa JC during the 45 years that you've been associated with it?
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I think the, I think probably the most significant development in the last 45 years is the excellence of the faculty. It has been always of a superior nature and so it continues. And the public record of the excellence is well documented. A second feature is that
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of the Doyle scholarship program. The association between the college and Exchange Bank. It is now in its 50th year and between 1950 when it began And 1968, the accumulation of those years, $1 million dollars was awarded in oil scholarships. That's this year 2000 2001 Over $4
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million dollars will be offered in Doyle scholarships? Wow, that's that's that's that's just marvelous. That's a marvelous program. Does anyone else have anything like this? Not, not, not, not that I am aware of for the year 90 1998 1999 center as a junior college had more
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private donations in support of its several programs than any other college in, in any other community college in America and there are over 1000 community colleges. Another Another, another huge development in the last 45 years was the replacement of Floyd bailey by Randolph Newman because it
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was under Ran newman and his 13 year 10ure. That center as a junior college was converted from a junior to a community college. And I make the distinction there in that community college is that is that campus, is that function that has a diverse curriculum. And
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the departure was from a curriculum that was almost exclusively the first two years of a baccalaureate degree program. That's the junior college. That's right. I think that there are a couple of other major developments to the computer. There are over 1000 computers involved in the instructional
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program on this campus at this moment. Right now There are 800 of those that are organized into some 28 laboratories And another 200 which are used by individual instructors in the, in the classroom. Another huge development is proposition 13 1978 when the funding source for public
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education in California changed from the property tax to sacramento apportionment. And historically this campus, for example, was funded about 75% property tax, 25% from the state of California. Now the state of California supports the campus to the extent of 54%,, 44% property tax, 2%, federal. And
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the problem with that is that the rules keep changing at the state level. And that impedes even short term planning, let alone master planning. But I would only, I would only add one and that is the development of the Petaluma campus. Beautiful. Beautiful. A lovely facility.
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There are now 6000 people who are enrolled in Petaluma. That what exists now is phase one. Phase two is at least on the drawing board and will become reality. Yeah. Yeah, that's this college. Well, I think maybe many of our audience knows. I attended Central Junior
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College and graduate in 1948 and As I view that that's 52 years ago. But when I came out today to the two dog art gallery where we're taping, uh, I lost my way around here. I couldn't find my way through all the new buildings. I found
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my way eventually. But it's just amazing the development that occurred on the central Virginia college campus grounds if you will. Well, the next, the next facility will be 20 yards from here Out the door and it will be a four story library. Listen you At the
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start of the visit, we mentioned our 3rd treasure Senator Clarence Red Trouser. That's your dad. Tell us about your dad and his association to santa rosa Junior College. Well, his initial association began in uh his initial association occurred in 1923. He had just graduated from, from
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law school, joined the Geary firm here and coached the football team as well as the basketball team. So his, his first association was that of a coach for the years 1923 to 1927 and I saw a picture just the other day of the 1923 football team
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and there were 14 members, 14 participants Brooke. We know that you've been very, very important to Central Junior College, we've just heard about that, but you've also been very important to various groups in your community. What are some of the community groups that you served with
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over the past years? I've had several very, very happy relationships dating back to the 1960s, for example, with the friends of the library and we are think generally aware of the extent to which they raise money in support of the enrichment of the public library in
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Sonoma County. uh in addition, in the, in the 1960s I joined the board of, of catholic charities, which at the time was a struggling organization and which now is a leader in its efforts directed to homelessness among other things. Then in 1970 Henry trio knee gave
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some seed money to found the volunteer center of Sonoma County And the volunteer centre of Sonoma County 30 years later is one of the most active of its kind in all of America. And let me mention just just one more because it is of a current
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interest and that is, I assist with running a downtown pantry for, for needy families that is all done through the ST Vincent de paul society, which is kind of a best kept secret. But the society is in support of 12 such pantries in Sonoma County and
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the one in downtown Santa Rosa is among the most active. It's very satisfying work and those are a few contributions to community service. You could be committed for that to my friend. I want to thank you first of all for taking the time to be a
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guest on the treasures of Sonoma County. And ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure if you've been with us for the past half hour, you realize that for all of his years of service to santa Rosa Junior College and community College and to his community as a whole.
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The brook dowser is truly one of Sonoma County's human treasures. Don't go away. We'll be back in just a moment. Sonoma County has its share of treasures. It's wonderful human treasure. So find people who live here. The aesthetic pleasures, those places We all love to visit
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and the Treasury events that we celebrate annually. Now in the months ahead, we're going to visit as many of these remarkable treasures as we can find in the meantime, if you know of someone someplace or something that you think is the Sonoma County Treasurer, please drop
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us a brief note about your treasure. Until then this is rich McGlinchey wishing each and every one of you, good luck, good health and so long for now people who live here, the aesthetic pleasures those places we all love to
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visit and the Treasury events that we celebrate annually. Now in the months ahead, we're going to visit as many of these remarkable treasures as we can find In the meantime, if you know of someone someplace or something that you think is the Sonoma County Treasurer, please
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drop us a brief note about your treasure. Until then this is Rich McGlinchey wishing each and every one of you. Good luck, good health and so long for now.