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Okay, we're on, this is Edgar and me, Jim Bergen, what's your last name? Oh You take one end of it. That's me there. I figured. Yeah, that's right because I was just talking about 28 years old. How long did you work up there? Well, I never
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worked, there's a steady employee then. There was this terrible actor. I used to come in just in a busy time of the year and I worked about seven months in that year. And then the next year they decided they want to build this building, this one
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on the corner here. So then we, they laid us off earlier, we came back and about september or something like that. Yeah, that's a nice picture. This is King. He used to run the separator. Separator used to be over here in this corner. Right, Yeah, the
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other will be another one in here. He's in the other picture. So that's behind the wall. I got the names here. These fellas, this is George Duncan. He was a pasteurize er George Duncan. And this, this fellow here is Roy Fairbanks. He was an extra also.
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And this fellow here is the card, He's assistant buttermaker. What about him? Yeah, that's a nice picture. Amazing. Surprised. Something like 1, 2, 3, 45 of those. This picture that Lyman Hopkins just gave me this picture looks like there's only one or two in there. Was
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that, Did you ever see it? It could be it could be one of the originals. One of these could be one of the originals. This one on the end. That was purchased the year that I came here. There was a new one. See the these old
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Children's, they worked on the liver his here and you throw it over to put in action and that worked on a oh my God liver. You can't see it there instead of a belt, belt, belt there worked on a different different arrangements. Yeah, it's too bad.
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That was yeah, that was the newest one. That was that was £900 or £800 because that was really nice. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, separated the way back in this corner we have three of them back there when this was taken there was that was taken the separated
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over in this corner. There was three sixties then when I went back over this other corner was three nineties. 13 of them. Thank you. I'm pleased with how they came up. We're getting another. I found somebody had a picture of the insurance. You know the ones
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you were telling me about the no, no We haven't had them for 10 years or more. And that's when I was, when I came to work here in 1974. They want to hear them. I gotta have a copy. The picture. Is that the photography right now
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getting blown up. But Oh yeah, the last one here. Yeah, these are the last ones. Tell me about that what you had, you were telling me before you had to crawl in there or something. These changes worker, you put that into the churn and then you
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start it up and then you work with your salt and you washed, came around and dropped into these workers and his workers. They work in this fashion. You see they were out the butter went down in between and worked the salt and the moisture in there.
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You're talking about, you have to crawl in it and dig the butter out of them. Yeah, that was that was hard work. Yeah. They put out, remember how many turns a day do you think he's here? Usually quite a bit in the springtime. There's just as
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much as we did all the simplex. I messed around 30, Children today in this time of the year, That would be 60. Or how long would it take? Well, it all depends how, how soon the soon the cream breaks, but sometimes it takes a little more.
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Now you see it all depends on temperature. The It's the cream. Just say trying to keep it around 72° where you wouldn't have too much trouble, but it was colder than it would take longer. What um what could you tell by the the field? How did
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you tell when it was? But how could you tell when it became? Well, see this little grass here going around there? Well, we all covered up with cream and then as soon as it breaks the buttermaker watching, as soon as you start seeing kernels and butter,
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he'll watch it and get about as big as your little finger, maybe smaller. Then he'll stop it. And then Yeah. And then he takes the post of buttermilk out. See the there's a drain here at the bottom that goes underneath and catches the buttermilk. You can
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see this hopper here to the sensory they did with it. And then when they got all the water was drained out and they had their water. Yeah. And then you let that spin around several times until it washes it out. And then they drain that out
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that was on the floor. And then they put himself, they have to determine determine the in the cream to determine how much and remember in what way, like the higher the higher the butterfat, more salt more better. Oh yeah, of course. They had a they had
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a chart what if I just had a chart and they just look at the charts and the positive cream. So we much. Yeah. Mhm. And they never used to vary too much. I used to do all that testing to determine how much how much, how much
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water they put in a very regular and see when I first started in, they were there were two Salt. The salt was supposed to be something and she was 16%. Then then they reduced. Then they reduced the the moisture and increase the salt compensate for one
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or the other increased. So The for 16% moisture and 2%. So Yeah, it's pretty good. It is 15 somewhere in 15, This whole I think it's you see the whole thing you have so many kinds of butterfat. 16%. Yeah, Otherwise it makes 100%,%, 2%.
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1%. 100%. Okay. The curry is in the Not like I don't know. Yeah, but still it must have been heavy. You know. That was a sad part of it when they when they had these cherries here and we were in the lab upstairs, you know
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in that room and every time around the whole building. So who was the boston lab? Well start man. Oh yes. This lady here lynch. She was she was she was doing the testing. Oh here 1926. And all she did was the testing of the milk
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and the cream. And she used to do all the butter samples to at that time when I came here and then they put in the Philippines, he used to do all the buttermilk body samples mr cream. What about fred Thompson remember hearing his name? Yeah, he
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was in the you know Bernie Hopkins? That's uh that's that was happening cousin. I think. I think so. Yeah. That makes coffee. Where did you get this? Okay. I don't know what kind of paper that is. Something I can take them away. Yeah. Let's see what's
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that sell to Perry Perry Perry bookkeeper. But boy no, I didn't know that. I didn't realize that she was at the time that I came here. She was just three of them at that time. I don't know what happened to. I hope I didn't
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leave it there of the original office. Oh yeah, I don't see it. I left it over I think I must have left it over there at pick it up. The directors were what do I remember at that time? America bloom. Where is he from? Remember down
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here Spring Hill branch out there and he was he was, he was treasurer. I'm pretty sure at that time. I think so. Uh Sylvia is that George George George is on the board and I'm not sure if he's raised bill Miller. Oh yeah, I remember him
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saying he started out, he started out years ago that just reminded me I have a picture of you you and oh it's just now I have to mostly they just of the construction trying to keep up on it. Sure. Yeah, I thought it was there.
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It is. Just shows your backs actually I'll get you a viewer. We've got one right here. Yeah, we were looking the other way there's one press the red button. It'll fall out that red button for uh yeah,
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I thought it might look good as a contracts to old timers sitting there looking at the new building with the exception of maybe. Oh no that's that's that's right. His father director right. He worked you're the only buttermaker. But he worked he worked just in summers
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while he was going to but I don't know. I don't know. He said he couldn't remember how old he was at that point. I don't remember he was he was he was around 12 13 14 years old. He said he was working on santa rosa for
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a while. You know he said after his dad, you don't remember his dad as far as working here. That was before he started remember what? How was he? What kind of man was he? He liked to play jokes. You know what can you remember any? Well
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I tell you when he pulled on me, went down the city what time the state inspectors and bill roger and spread wrong. Nice. They didn't tell me anything about it. Instead of going to a meeting their inspectors you know coming along without even thinking them when
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they get down. Nice. And and I went in I had to go into the laboratory and while I was in there some of the girls kidding, addressing him. So so instead of instead of sitting at the table we have dinner instead of sitting at the table
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with him. I got way down the end between that bald headed guy and and when the girls came down she went after the guy. She missed me altogether. I don't know if I understood that the girl they had set it up. So this girl was uh
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huh. Yeah she was supposed to come down and what do you mean? Mhm Yeah backfired. She got the wrong guy before this guy was mad, he was mad, I don't know who he was, I didn't get his name but he didn't like it. What did john
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Darrell think of that? That was one time I backed up backfired in his face. And nice mind what when when he he was the boss when you started. Well that was another funny thing. I applied for a job and I went to him and I waited
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and I waited and I waited. I don't know when I applied and finally one day I have been picking up some butter super and I says the openings around here yet and he said are you looking for a job? I talked to Dondero, he probably forgot
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all about it by now. So he says well we don't need anybody right now but maybe in january february february. They called me. So he did, he said you start to work which monday morning making, making his birthday, is that when you started full time or
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you know like I said seven months a year next year they decided to build this building. Meantime what happened? Something happened, one of the fathers dumping milk, this russell harmon, he took sick and got hurt or something. So they put me over there from the side
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that came up to receiving cream from receiving cream. I wanted to you were saying about receiving cream that can the lids would pop off. Yeah, they used to wire them, you know through the holes and a lot of times the was so old, they keep it
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too long, you know? And they keep it sealed up. If they left they left the lid off the been alright. But they just sealed up and they have a the pipe because they were so tight quiet and we
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have so much sweet cream butter. We used to keep that very last. Were they in those days, were they cutting butter or were they just doing the big blocks local butter. Yeah. And then they and then then let's see the then they put it in that
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wrapping machine that that rap quarters 12 16, 16 quarters at a time. And they had four girls take them away from the machine and put them in, put them in a wrap wax paper run plus a carton. And then the girl had a box of that
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machine. They didn't have a machine of it. But I don't know if they still have enough. I don't have a picture of the machine itself, but it was quite a complicated thing and you know, it was so sensitive. Is that it or is that afterward? This
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is the world outside here, isn't it? Yeah. I do. Excuse me. Hello. this is jim. Um What? 8 2nd. I have to look at my file. Okay, February 28, 1969 of the artist. They were very funny. Oh, you
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could All right. Mm. Right. He can if Kim can wait. He can give it back to us. Like it might take his he said maybe 20 minutes so I would figure maybe 40 minutes, but possibly right for sheriff whoever is.
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Yeah. This here. Do they still have this machine outside? No, not that same one. They have a different they have a new machine now. Have you been out in the butter room lately? You wanna go see it? As long as I'm here. If you have time.
00:28:03.380 - 00:28:34.180
This used to be right outside here outside the office now. It's just that hallway out there addressing. It used to be right outside the office. Used to be part of the office. I think you're That's right. And then over on this side did you do you
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remember? Were you here when Dondero quit or retired or whatever? And jean took over. No, I had already retired. Trying to see Is that right? I didn't know that. I haven't found out about him yet. True. While you were still working here? No. Yes, I was
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still here because I went to I went to see him laid out. Yeah, I was still here. Was he was still here. He was He was already in the process of taking over. I don't know just how long that was between that time and the time
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he came here until the Children. They're dying. How old was do you remember? Yeah. Used to that. Yeah. Well I appreciate all your information. Is there anything more you'd like to know that I can hands up to your wife? You said that you had another picture
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of what was some directors you can bring. No I know you know who they are. I don't know. Let's see. Oh another thing I wonder be sure to tell you sure you can buy on butter and egg. Oh I want to ask you about the parade
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but better an egg days were having tours of the churn. So are you were you planning on going down to the parade even after the you might combine. Just go up on a tour and look at the turn that we have now may pork which is
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a saturday. Okay. The other question I ask one more question. Okay but they still have the butter and egg day parade. I mean the egg day parade. But they had they kind of discontinued that for a while. There used to be a lady by the name
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of mrs mrs. She was the bookkeeper over the company and her husband was the manager of the refrigerating company. She was she was a setting up a parade or anything like that. She knew her stuff. Some family difficulties. Why she suicide? She tried three times. The
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first time she jumped into the river down here and the second time she jumped off the ferry boat going to the city 13 where it wasn't I don't know just what happened at 16 and after she got that faced out because her energy was going the
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interesting that she had, she was good. She had some wonderful wonderful parades in those days. They don't yell, his name was Babe Hammer, nicknamed babe. I remember years ago he used to go around picking up cream out in the country, bring it in here, not here,
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no for the western and then he became manager. Then they changed it. The only thing I understand is that relationship between you know the picture of the old trucks? I don't have it right here but trucking retail service, it
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looks like it is. But Hopkins told me that they converted that into a truck. Oh no, that came afterwards. I guess that must have been quite a while. But the one I one I have a panel truck. Okay. Anyway, I'm interested and there's so much to
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know your way. Well you're thinking you'd like that picture of those directors. Okay. See if they'll give me enough money. These things turned out so good. I hope they were good pictures. Good calling