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It's my privilege to introduce to you dan Turrentine manager of California's Wine advisory board, a recognized wine authority who devotes a great deal of his time to helping retailers increase their sales of wine. It is a pleasure to have this opportunity to speak to you more.
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Americans are discovering California wines every day and are finding them of high quality and using them to add enjoyment to meals to social gatherings and to many other occasions. The best evidence of this tremendous upsurge of interest in wines on the part of the consuming public
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is the ever increasing amount of news of references, of favorable articles of cooking demonstrations and the like which newspapers, radio, tv magazines and other media are giving to our products. Let us show you some of the examples of the type of publicity which communications media find
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to be of such continuing interest to the consumers of America that they have devoted hours and hours of time and columns and columns of space to California wines we want you to see not an advertising story which is already known to you, but something with which
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you may not be so familiar. The vast amounts of effective educational work being done by the California wine industry to stimulate the consuming public interest in buying and using more California wine. This story is one which gives you a vivid idea of what the wine industry
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has been doing and is doing today to make more customers for you to sell more wines and to increase your profits. One of the things we can't show you is the literally thousands of helpful California wine messages delivered by television and radio in stations across the
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country. What's been making headlines lately? It all depends on what you're thinking about and we're thinking of California wine. Our wines have been making headlines to in new york, Chicago and new Orleans, even in Montreal and London and Switzerland. To begin our public relations story, let's
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examine the role of american women and wine. The lady's not only buy wine for their families, but they've become conscious of it, persuade their husbands to purchase it. And above all, they talk about food and drink more than the men do and they use wine and
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cooking home advisory service with five trained home economists on the staff has been doing an intensified job of wine, publicity and promotion in the past 12 months, starting from the home kitchen and working up to the most exotic cookery tested recipes are the foundation of publicity
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programs on wine cookery. Each major newspaper in the country receives several recipes monthly, often with a photograph to show how the finished dish and the accompanying wine look as it comes from the test kitchen. The food editors give wine cookery a generous amount of space. Television
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kits have gone out across the country to telecasters, but this comes from a wonderful little booklet that I received from the California Wine Institute and this is called international dining and in this little folder, there's foods from many lands, there's greek cooking. This happens to be
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an italian dish. There's a, the one I'm going to do tomorrow is a leg of lamb that this parchment wrapped and it's a greek recipe. So it is going to be fun to use this. And by the way, if you'd like to send for this international
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dining booklet, which is really gourmet all the way through using California wines and send your name and address. For example, Bette Davis of Portland's K. O. I N T. V station tells about cooking with wine and displays a tv kit sent out by home advisory service.
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One teaspoon. We'll just Sprinkle that over lightly pepper about 1/4 teaspoon, then add the white dinner wine and in this case remember it's shabbily Then there are also newscasts about wine and wine cookery for radio broadcasters of women's interest programs. A related emphasis is placed in
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newspapers, radio and television on wine as a beverage in the home, including food wherever necessary as a means of gaining acceptance quantity recipes in color. Beautiful food and wine creations are sent to chefs of hotels and restaurants are recipes are well received as the chefs let
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us know I work as a chef in one of the large restaurants. Dominic's across the bay from san Francisco, we appreciate the work of the California wine industry because through their quantity recipe cards, we have very precise measurements for our recipes. We work mainly with a
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french kitchen and use wine in virtually every recipe and dish. Pictures of the food and color show even are untrained assistance how to garnish and arrange food on the plate. It helps our wine steward too, because he can advise our patrons what wines go best with
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each dish. This past year. Also has seen the development and publication of a new type of wine advisory board cookbook. The home advisory staff helped test recipes and assisted in the introduction of press releases and news stories based on this book. Radio and television continue to
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be a most versatile means of communications. Public relations programs for California wine work actively with hundreds of radio and Tv outlets throughout the country. Let's look in on an episode at the national broadcasting company saN Francisco outlet station KNBR where President Don Mccauley is facing the
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microphone and farm reporter Bill Adams as one of the top agricultural commentators in the business Adams generally interviews a half dozen wine personalities each year. His programs are aired at prime listening time on saturday, raising the most interesting question, then I would have to say Bill
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that I don't believe coffee will ever be displaced at the breakfast table. But when it comes to the luncheon table and dinner supper at night, then I think we have some possibilities on the Red Skelton comedy show, A program closes with a song that goes, he's
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in love and he goes, he asked California yN hundreds of television stations throughout many states and metropolitan areas have featured special television news clips based on California wine industry events and projects. Here's one that's devoted to the ancient and modern craft of cooper Ridge. An interesting
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wine telecast of the past year was a 33 minute sequence on the Steve Allen show, serviced to 44 network stations. The subject was a wine tasting and the special celebrities who sampled and compared California. Popular priced wines included actress Jayne Mansfield, comedians, Shecky Greene and Cliff
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Arquette actor tim Conway and of course, steve Allen with Ron schiller showing them how and by the way, the California wines overwhelmed much more expensive foreign wines. Over the american broadcasting systems. Los Angeles station abc tv Michael dougherty also discussed wine and wine tasting recently. Guest
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star was actress Vanessa Brown, the setting, the famous scandia restaurant and the master of ceremonies Pete miller. Again, popular priced wines got top billing peacock Alley sounds like a bird walk, but it isn't, it's the location of an extraordinary month long celebration staged at the Waldorf
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Astoria Hotel in new york last december, it was the first time any event of this type had ever been held in a hotel, A promotional project involving California foods and wines California's governor, Edmund G Brown flew back to Manhattan to preside over the opening of peacock
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Alley. While there he presented a handsome gift seller of California wines to United Nations ambassador Adlai Stevenson, a resident at the Waldorf, Hedda Hopper, the Hollywood film columnist and owner of eccentric hats, also came along modeling. One of her creations, members of the press, radio and
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television corps attended the opening wine tasting dinner. Publicity results were impressive. For example, Miss Hopper devoted an entire column of her syndicated newspaper space to the event and it was reprinted in newspapers all over the country. Newsweek magazine with its 2.5 million circulation devoted a half
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column of space to Governor Brown's gift to Adlai Stevenson under the heading of newsmakers. Newspaper coverage in new york itself was impressive. With fully detailed reports appearing in the new york times, herald, tribune world telegram and sun New York Daily News, which alone has almost two
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million circulation, Not to mention the Los Angeles Times on the West Coast and many other publications for a combined circulation of nine million magazines and more magazines, California wine and more California wine. This was the pleasingly familiar refrain in influential publications throughout the United States. During
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the past year, the articles reach subscribers from new york to Washington and from ST Petersburg to Alaska. The list was varied. The saturday evening post carried the first major story on wine in the magazine's history, two pages in full color and with accompanying texts last december
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business week, ran a front page cover of the chairman of the board of Wine Institute and followed up with its leading story of the week based on the industry featuring biographies of industry leaders Look magazine, one of the nation's largest, ran a two page spread on
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the dessert wines. One of these pages, a fanciful color shot of wine glasses. The story was by food editor Marilyn cater. Another Look article dealt with the service of wines at Blair House in Washington, D. C. M. D. One of the country's large medical journals had
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a special article on wine and Gastronomy. Gentlemen's Quarterly published an article on the winds of the West by author tom marvel in March and on and on went the list of magazines including the november issue of California Home, an article on fairs and festivals, elegant, A
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new negro prestige magazine with photos of models and vineyards, FM and fine arts, a television and arts magazine in southern California, with at least three separate articles on California wines. ST Petersburg, a cultural magazine from florida, used a special article, the delights of the grape, including
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a chart of California wines. The Continental magazine circulated to owners of the Lincoln Continental, an article on Gentlemen vintners of California Sunset magazine, A full page in its september issue devoted to a luncheon buffet with wine ebony. The famous negro picture magazine with another full page
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spread in its special anniversary issue on a Rose Punch House Beautiful, A full scale story on the uniquely California wine zinfandel written by dr Maynard Amerine modern Bride ran an article on wine cellars, esquire magazine's May issue, had a wine article gourmet by the gallon written
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by Gilbert Cross. Still other magazine articles appeared in glamour, escapade and good taste. The list isn't complete without mention of stories about wine in decorator magazines, fashion publications, trade publications and men's adventure magazines. In addition to those special stories ran in trade publications here and abroad,
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they reached thousands in the wine and spirits business helping put across the message of California wines for all purpose economical, all occasion use subject matter was varied. It ranged from the most elementary treatment of wine to the most subtle descriptions of wine enjoyment, something for everybody.
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Millions of words have been written on the subject of California wines in the past 12 months. The greatest single source has been the newspapers of the country, fed by wire services by feature syndicates by the hundreds of columnists who work for the printed media. The newspapers
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have been the basic production factory of news of wine. Artists have created wine settings and photographers have taken hundreds of vineyard and winery pictures. One new york writer alone wrote eight columns based on California wine for the world, telegram and sun. The cheerful vintner a column
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on wine which originates in San Francisco was used in close to 100 newspapers. Newspaper columnists were exceptionally favorable to California wines. The list was long including such writers as Clementine paddle furred of this week magazine, man bickering gill of the new york times, Hedda hopper of
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the L. A times and over 200 newspapers jean lease um of United Press International syndicate services, robert dana of the world, telegram and Sun and Art Ryan of the Los Angeles Times. The United Press International, The Associated Press King feature syndicate and any a news service
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interpreted news of the state's wine industry and its members often a single photograph and caption will be reprinted in a great number of papers throughout the country. Such reports intensified around the time of the vintage and national wine week, ranging from wine shipments to tariff discussions
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to feature treatment on wine subjects. A spectacular development in newspapers has been the rapid increase in size, quality and interest in special sunday supplement sections. There have been impressive placements featuring wine within the past year. In such supplements as the Los Angeles herald examiner, san Francisco
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examiner living. Los Angeles Times, home section, san Francisco chronicle bonanza not to mention full color pages and half pages in newspapers that included the Pittsburgh Press, the Tampa Times, the philadelphia Inquirer and the Milwaukee Journal. There's been a change in California wines lately. More Pretty girls,
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more fashions, more girls in the vineyards and wineries to tell the story of the wholesome goodness of wine and so the wine queen and the port and sherry twins and fashions have all become intertwined. The national wine queen is one of the most successful of all
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the queens on the american scene these days representing as she does a glamorous agricultural industry. Cotton may have its reigning beauty and beer, it's Miss Rheingold but California gives to the world each year an equally charming girl. And since 1961, the Dessert wines have chosen equally
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glamorous personalities, identical ports and sherry twins. They've made national tours and appeared on tv and radio shows, starred in fashion, movie previews and made the front cover of newspaper sunday supplements. Queen Marilyn Lock Way has been one of the most photogenic wine queens of the past
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decade and has helped publicize noteworthy events. Hundreds of photos were taken featuring the wine queen Marilyn also helped make Wine Day at Sacramento, a success in september her other major appearances of course were at the many regional wine events celebrated during National Wine week in Los
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Angeles, cucamonga Lodi, Sonoma, napa san Jose livermore and Fresno. She was a busy girl. Meanwhile, the charming porch and sherry twins were winging their way from new york to Chicago to ST louis and points west everywhere they traveled, newspaper and media people followed The twins spent
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11 minutes on the Steve Allen television show. They modeled everything from bracelets to Bikinis and everywhere they appeared they were identified with the wines of California. How far flung has become the fame of wine. A radio station in Brookfield Connecticut has taken as its call letters
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W I N. E. And it calls itself the vintage station with the sparkling sound of wine radio, its workers toil in the vineyard and its staff is described as the wine cellars. You can't do much better than that you have seen in hundreds and hundreds of
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instances how television, radio, magazines and newspapers all combined to tell the California wine story. Why do they do so? These editors and broadcasters know that the wine story is a big story in today's american pattern of living. They believe it to be of great interest to
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the housewife, the executive, the merchant, the young adult, as well as the senior citizen. In short, to everyone who loves the good things of life. And that is why California wines receive hundreds of inches of space in editorial columns and so much valuable time on the
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air to help editors and broadcasters serve this growing interest on the part of the consumer, the retailer who capitalizes on this by prominent display of the product, by suggesting California wines to his customers, by the use of this attractive wine advisory board material. This retailer is
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going to increase his sales and his profits and once again remember that this public interest already great, is becoming greater every day