- Title
- Photoregulation of antnocyanin accumulation in grape berries
- Creator (Person)
- ["Dokoozlian, Nick Kaspar"]
- Creation Date (Original)
- 1992
- Description
- The photoregulation of anthocyanin accumulation in grape berries was studied using field-grown fruits of Vitis vinifera L. Thirty hours of continuous white light (W) was required to initiate anthocyanin accumulation in recently softened, uncolored fruits. Following this induction period, skin anthocyanin concentration of berries exposed to continuous W increased linearly for 120 hours. Berries exposed to continuous W had greater skin anthocyanin concentrations than berries exposed to intermittent W, despite the fact that both treatments received equal total photon fluences. Fruits excluded from sunlight from berry set to veraison exhibited a prolonged lag phase and lower rate of anthocyanin accumulation compared to sunlight exposed fruits. Single, brief(l to 5 min) irradiations ofW, red light (R), or far-red light (FR) did not stimulate anthocyanin production in either light- or dark-grown fruits. R/FR photoreversibility of anthocyanin production was not observed. Anthocyanin accumulation in grape berries appears to be a high irradiance response regulated by a photoreceptor sensitive to light quantity.
- Item Format or Genre
- ["conference proceedings","lectures"]
- Language
- ["English"]
- Subject (Topical)
- ["Antnocyanin","Viticulture"]
- Digital Collection Name(s)
- ["Wine and Viticulture Conference and Workshop Presentations"]
- Digital Collections Identifier
- cstr_aud_000038
Photoregulation of antnocyanin accumulation in grape berries
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