- Title
- Masks on a clothesline
- Creator (Person)
- ["Manfre, Gayle"]
- Creation Date (Original)
- December 22, 2020
- Description
- Masks on a clothesline. I was inspired by the colorful masks drying on the clothesline. Many people are making masks for essential workers, The painting is a watercolor.
- Item Format or Genre
- ["watercolors (paintings)"]
- Language
- ["English"]
- Local History and Culture Theme
- ["Arts and Architecture"]
- Digital Collection Name(s)
- ["Sonoma Responds Community Collection, 2020-2021"]
- Digital Collections Identifier
- spc_00115_01_00072
- Archival Collection Sort Name
- ["Sonoma Responds community collection, 2020-2021 (SPC.00115)"]
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